College is expensive! There are many ways you can try to pay for college, they just have to be found. One of the options is scholarships, the amount along with the requirements vary but it is all about finding which one suits you best.
Colleges That Offer Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP)
Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) and Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) are for students, who reside in New York State, and are economically disadvantaged. The biggest part of their program is that they help by providing funds to help pay for college. They also offer counselors and academic support throughout your college. There is only one difference between the two programs; HEOP is for private schools while EOP is for public schools (SUNYs).
These programs are for you, show them you are the right fit for them. It is important to show any form of interest so they can see your passion for the school! Below is an example email of what you could write. Further down is a list of all the colleges that have the EOP program
These programs are for you, show them you are the right fit for them. It is important to show any form of interest so they can see your passion for the school! Below is an example email of what you could write. Further down is a list of all the colleges that have the EOP program
College- Point of contact
Alfred University- Michele Doorley ([email protected])
Alliance University- Gwen Ames ([email protected])
Bard College- Jessica Purcell ([email protected])
Barnard College- Elida Martinez ([email protected])
Boricua College- Cody E. Souffrant ([email protected])
Canisius College- Fatima Rodriguez Johnson ([email protected])
Cazenovia College- Sheila Marsh ([email protected])
Columbia University- Jason Collado (jc2783@columbia .edu)
Clarkson University- Marjorie Warden([email protected])
College of Mount Saint Vincent- Michael Frank ([email protected])
Cornell University- William Horning ([email protected])
Daemen University- Tiffany Hamilton ([email protected])
D'Youville University- Christina Spink-Formanski ([email protected])
Five Towns College- Derrol Rhodes ([email protected])
Fordham College at Lincoln Center- Elena Vranich ([email protected])
Fordham University Rose Hill- Biswa Bhowmick ([email protected])
Hamilton College- Aaron Ray ([email protected])
Hilbert College- Damian Desbordes ([email protected])
Hobart & William Smith Colleges- Renée R. Grant ([email protected])
Ithaca College- Denise Polanco ([email protected])
Keuka University- Lisa Thompson ([email protected])
Le Moyne College- Kelsi-Leandra Lane ([email protected])
Manhattan College- Andy Burns ([email protected])
Maria College- Clarissa Hatzog ([email protected])
Marist College- Iris Ruiz-Grech ([email protected])
Marymount Manhattan- Tseday Alehegn ([email protected])
Mercy College- Barbara Jones ([email protected])
Mount Saint Mary College- Ingrid Tavares ([email protected])
Nazareth College- Tonya Guzman ([email protected])
New York Institute of Technology- Rachel Morrison ([email protected])
New York University- Jason Nicolau ([email protected])
Niagra University- Tia Robinson ([email protected])
Paul Smith’s College- Kate Mullen ([email protected])
Pratt Institute- Amanda Diaz ([email protected])
Rochester Institute of Technology- Belinda Byrce ([email protected])
Russell Sage College- Jermaine Privott ([email protected])
Siena College- Yasmin Fisher ([email protected])
Skidmore College- Kelli Johnson ([email protected])
St. Bonaventure University- Christopher Brown ([email protected])
St. John Fisher University- Clarence Norman ([email protected])
St. Lawrence University- Bill Short ([email protected])
St. Thomas Aquinas College- Vincent Crapanzano ([email protected])
Syracuse University- Craig Tucker ([email protected])
Alfred University- Michele Doorley ([email protected])
Alliance University- Gwen Ames ([email protected])
Bard College- Jessica Purcell ([email protected])
Barnard College- Elida Martinez ([email protected])
Boricua College- Cody E. Souffrant ([email protected])
Canisius College- Fatima Rodriguez Johnson ([email protected])
Cazenovia College- Sheila Marsh ([email protected])
Columbia University- Jason Collado (jc2783@columbia .edu)
Clarkson University- Marjorie Warden([email protected])
College of Mount Saint Vincent- Michael Frank ([email protected])
Cornell University- William Horning ([email protected])
Daemen University- Tiffany Hamilton ([email protected])
D'Youville University- Christina Spink-Formanski ([email protected])
Five Towns College- Derrol Rhodes ([email protected])
Fordham College at Lincoln Center- Elena Vranich ([email protected])
Fordham University Rose Hill- Biswa Bhowmick ([email protected])
Hamilton College- Aaron Ray ([email protected])
Hilbert College- Damian Desbordes ([email protected])
Hobart & William Smith Colleges- Renée R. Grant ([email protected])
Ithaca College- Denise Polanco ([email protected])
Keuka University- Lisa Thompson ([email protected])
Le Moyne College- Kelsi-Leandra Lane ([email protected])
Manhattan College- Andy Burns ([email protected])
Maria College- Clarissa Hatzog ([email protected])
Marist College- Iris Ruiz-Grech ([email protected])
Marymount Manhattan- Tseday Alehegn ([email protected])
Mercy College- Barbara Jones ([email protected])
Mount Saint Mary College- Ingrid Tavares ([email protected])
Nazareth College- Tonya Guzman ([email protected])
New York Institute of Technology- Rachel Morrison ([email protected])
New York University- Jason Nicolau ([email protected])
Niagra University- Tia Robinson ([email protected])
Paul Smith’s College- Kate Mullen ([email protected])
Pratt Institute- Amanda Diaz ([email protected])
Rochester Institute of Technology- Belinda Byrce ([email protected])
Russell Sage College- Jermaine Privott ([email protected])
Siena College- Yasmin Fisher ([email protected])
Skidmore College- Kelli Johnson ([email protected])
St. Bonaventure University- Christopher Brown ([email protected])
St. John Fisher University- Clarence Norman ([email protected])
St. Lawrence University- Bill Short ([email protected])
St. Thomas Aquinas College- Vincent Crapanzano ([email protected])
Syracuse University- Craig Tucker ([email protected])